Sunday, January 26, 2020

Genre research: Comedy

This powerpoint, attached below, is research for a genre of film. This is a project that we have completed this year, in which we were randomly assigned a certain genre. The instructions said that we needed to research this genre, specifically the CLAMPS, CAMS and more. My group was assigned comedy, which was helpful to learn even though that our movie does not fall under this category. I learned many different things about this genre, of which I would not have known if i did not conduct this research. Specifically, I did not know about the certain camera angles being used. For example, I never realized that most comedy is filmed at eye level, as most comedy is shot in real life situations. Additionally, I didn’t realize that there are a lot of zooming in and out shots, until after I conducted this research. Overall, this project was helpful for our movie, in the way that we can now eliminate comedy as one of the options for the genre of our film. The research we conducted does not match up with the description of the thoughts for our pitch.

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