Friday, March 20, 2020
Currently we are still dealing with the corona virus. They have shut down all schools and are resulting to online learning. Because the week coming up is spring break online school will start the following week. This has caused major setback with students because online isn't the same as being in class. Luckily Aice Media is mostly based online. This is very good for me because I am able to do all my work from my laptop at home. Earlier on we were worried that saving our information to the school computer wasn't a good idea so we saved it to our computers instead. We are also very fortunate to have our own computers so we didn't need the schools. In case though the school was handing out computers for kids that needed them. This is very helpful to us now because currently we are not having many issues. The only thing in our way is continuation of filming. We wanted to film a bit more in order for our film to be great but we haven't gotten the chance to. Yet while having nothing to do at home it has given us lots of time to edit. We have continued to use the editing software imovie. My group member and I have definitely gotten the hang of it so it has become very easy to use. I am interested in all the different tools and effects it has to offer. There is so many ways we were able to make our video more interesting. This time at home has really helped us develop new ideas. We are so close to finishing now we just need to do final touches. This will include making sure the lighting is good and we added lots of different camera angles. We have put a lot of work into this project so we are expecting a good turnout.
Filming Attempt
As of today we are facing a huge global issue which is the Corona Virus. These issues are even affecting the global movie production a tremendous amount. This has also resulted in social distancing between people. For a while my group mate and I will not be able to get together. Because of this my group hasn't had the opportunity to continue filming. At this rate we are hoping this situation will get better so we can finish filming. My group member and I both have strict parents so we haven't been allowed out. This has caused us to yet finish shooting for our video. Lots of school related things are being cancelled but as we know this class is based online so all the work is still due the same dates. This will force us to have to see each other so we can get it done. Because of the cancellation of school also it has been more difficult. Before we could always discuss ideas in class with each other. Lucky we are both great at communicating and working with each other so we are going to make it work. We have resulted to lots of face timing calls with each other to communicate our thoughts. We have also been going back and forth taking our part in editing the video. Editing hasn't changed because we have had all the information we need from our laptops at home. This was one thing we were glad about and how we didn't save our video on the schools desktop. This postponement will be helpful for us to focus on what we could add into our video in order for it to be the best it can be. Our final grade means a lot to both of us so as soon as we can we will get all of our work done.
Monday, March 16, 2020
My group member and I have been continuing to work on editing our film. We tend to film and the edit as soon as we can. We have been repeating this process until we believe we are done with our film. We are going to insure our video portrays the hard work we put into it. Cambridge is going to grade us on how well it is and then determines our grade. Making sure our video is the best it can be is very important. While editing we like to just use the app imovie. In our eyes this is the best editing app and also the easiest. The first thing we did while editing was inserting the clips. After the clips are inserting we cut some of them depending on how long they were. Once the clips were put together we add in all the different titles. We had to make sure the titles were poping up throughout the film. This was a huge requirement that needed to be included in our video. Once that was finished we went over the clips to make sure we included a variety of shots. When we saw that we didn't have some of the shots we decided to re-film. We kept the same concept of the shot just from a different point of view. This made the film look more professional with all the different angles. After we finished re-shooting we added those shots back into imovie. I cleaned up the video a little with moving some things around. I also realized we were over time. that resulted in us having to go back and make some clips shorter.
Thursday, March 12, 2020
To better our video we had to re shoot. This took place on the weekend that had just passed. Since we already did the peer-review we already knew exactly what we needed to re-shot. Before going through the peer-review we thought nothing was wrong with out video. We took into consideration the advice that was given to us. My group member and I added extra scenes that we thought were missing. A big thing we forgot to add in was a shot-reverse-shot. This is when the shot shows one person, then switches what they are looking at/talking to, then switches back to the person. We believed this was important to have in our video for Cambridge. We created this shot when the main girl entered the car. It shows her friend greeting her, then the main girl saying hi back, and then the other girls saying to get in the car with them. This portrayed one example of a shot-reverse-shot. Something else we thought was crucial to add in was a tilt. A tilt is when you show surroundings from the ground moving upwards. In our original video we did not include this. As this was slightly challenging it had us debating whether to add it in out video. Dani had the great idea to add this clip as we just walk into the restaurant so you cane see the dinner table. Then I thought we could have added the tilt at the end. After we discussed this we came to conclusion to add it at the diner. One other shot we thought we were missing was a pan. Technically a pan is the same as a tilt it just goes up and down instead.
Monday, March 9, 2020
Filming Journey
The process thought this video has been eventful. My group member and I faced difficulties in the beginning. This included bad weather and our extra actors not showing up. This slowed down our filming process and caused us to start later than expected. We keep our movie to be almost 95% true. Once we got the hang of filming the video, everything went as planned. My group member and I decided to do all the work behind the camera. One of our close friends offered to help us and star as the main girl. This was very helpful for our film. It gave me the opportunity to focus on all the small details.
On the other hand, editing went by smoothly. This process only took a couple hours. Putting together shots worked very well. The shots were very elongated so we had to cut them a lot. The editing app we used was imovie. This platform is very easy and simple to work with. This was our go to option because we didn't rent out a camera. We used our phones to film because we believed it would be easier and the quality was good. If we used a camera we would have used the editing platform which is pinnacle studios. We will still need to re-shoot and re-edit.
On the other hand, editing went by smoothly. This process only took a couple hours. Putting together shots worked very well. The shots were very elongated so we had to cut them a lot. The editing app we used was imovie. This platform is very easy and simple to work with. This was our go to option because we didn't rent out a camera. We used our phones to film because we believed it would be easier and the quality was good. If we used a camera we would have used the editing platform which is pinnacle studios. We will still need to re-shoot and re-edit.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Peer Review
The group I had to review was group 10. This consisted of three girls. One questioned my group member and I had to answer was “What was one thing you really liked about the film?”. I really enjoyed the effort the characters put in. You could tell they were showing a lot of emotion. This was something that helped there film a lot. It made the film look realistic. I really applaud them on how much thought they put into the film. It was unique and a good pitch. Another question we had to answer was “What was one suggestion you would make to the film?”. I suggested that they should have added some non- digetic sounds. It would have made the film more dramatic. This could have included add the sounds to the high heels. Another example would have been if they added the noise of the keys dangling. This would have added more suspense to the movie. One other suggestion I would suggest was adding titles. The group failed to do this. If all the titles were added they would have had a better movie. These titles should have been displayed throughout the whole entire film.
Finally, my group member and I were ready to film. We were able to make time and put our other activities aside. After school on Thursday afternoon we went back to danis house. We were planning on filming at mine but last minute we couldn’t. Like we expected followed at least 90% of our script. At my house there is to many people that make noise so we figured danis house would be easier. Her house was quiet and the perfect place to film. Our friend Lucy contributed a lot towards our video. She offered to be the main girl in the film. This helped us a lot because we were able to focused on different things than acting. Dani focused most of her time on directing. While I spent my time choosing the correct costumes and music. Filming took us a good amount of time but not too long. We weren’t able to finish so we still have some ways to go. Next time we film we are planning to not stay at danis house. The last scenes take place in the car and at the restaurant. We will need to gather the rest of our friends for the rest of the film. Putting the film together wasn’t to difficult. The app my group member and I used to edit was iMovie. This app is very easy and simple to use.
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